7. Proposals
7.9. File Vault Tab
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7.9. File Vault Tab

The proposal File Vault tab allows you to store documents related to this proposal as part of the proposal. Documents that are uploaded to the file vault become part of the database and are encrypted for protection. There is no limit to the number of files that can be uploaded to the vault. Files stored in the vault can be included as email and fax attachments when using the email and fax terminal. The file vault is not intended to be used as a file backup option nor is it intended to be a storage location for your only copy of the file(s). It is intended as an option to allow you to keep all necessary documents with the proposal for sharing the files with other DealerChoice users in your company or for easy access for sending the documents from DealerChoice as attachments. Each proposal has its own file vault. Files that are uploaded for a proposal are not visible in another proposals file vault.

Any file to be uploaded to the file vault cannot be larger than 32 megabytes (MB). Files larger than 32 MB must either be compressed to a size smaller than 32 MB or broken into segments that are less than 32 MB.

Certain files cannot be used as fax message attachments.

Certain files cannot be faxed. If you plan on faxing a document keep in mind that a printable/viewable image of the file must be uploaded to the vault. Binary files, such as files with extensions like "exe" or "dwg" are binary files. If you intended to fax drawing files, you must save them as PDF files. Binary files can be included as attachments to email messages but the receiving server may reject them as unsafe files.

File Vault Tab

Image ProposalsFileVaultTab.JPG

Only the Upload icon is available on the File Vault tab until you upload a file. Once a file has been uploaded, additional icons will be present.

To upload a file to the vault, click on the Upload files icon to open the Upload & Save a File window.

Image ProposalsFileVaultUpload.JPG

File Vault Upload Fields Description
File Description Enter a description of the file being uploaded. The description is displayed with the filename.
Make this file public? This is for future development and will be used for making files "public". A public file type will be available for other users to see and download.
File (Browse) The Browse button is used for locating and selecting the file that you want to upload from your local or network disk drives.

After uploading a file to the vault, the following icons will be available.

Image ProposalsFileVaultIcons.JPG

File Vault Tab Icons Description
Upload Files Click on this icon to upload a file to the vault
Email & Fax terminal Open the email & fax terminal for sending documents from DealerChoice
File Vault Columns Description
File Name This is the name of the file as it exists on the drive
File Type This is the file type from the file extension
Description This is the description that you entered to describe what the file is
Public This is for future development. Public files will be used when the customer interface with DealerChoice has been completed. The customer interface is an option that will allow your customers certain access ability to their proposals in your DealerChoice site, if you enable these features
Size This is the size of the file. Emailing or faxing larger files can dramatically impact the amount of time it takes to process and send the message. Some servers do have attachment size limitations and may reject messages with large files attached.
Timestamp This is the date and time that the file was uploaded to the file vault
File Vault Line Item Icons Description
Download File Click on this icon to save a copy of the file to your local disk drive or to view the document. After clicking on this icon, the file will be retrieved from the vault. The filename will appear as a link (underlined). Click on the filename and you will be given the option to Save or Open the file. If you want to view the file, click on the Open button. If you want to save a copy of the file to your local disk drive, click on the Save button and then choose the folder in which the file is to be saved.
Check this file out This option will allow you to save a copy of this file and it will be marked as checked out by you. Other users will not be allowed to download this file until you check it back in. If another user tries to check this file out, they will see a message saying that the file has been checked out by you. You may be making changes to this file so the file is locked by you until you check it back in by uploading the file to the vault again. Once you check the file back in, other users may download the file.
Delete file This icon allows you to delete a file from the vault. If you delete a file from the vault by accident, it must be uploaded again from your local or network disk drive
7.9. File Vault Tab
7. Proposals
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